Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fashion Aficionada Adds a New Chapter

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
- Coco Chanel

Now that I have been blogging (on-and-off) for a few months, I have decided to broaden the types of posts that I want to write for Fashion Aficionada. As an aspiring fashion editor/journalist, it is important that I explore all aspects of the fashion world and write about what I love. From writing reviews on fashion-related books to commenting on the best dressed celebrities and runway shows, this blog will be EVERYTHING fashion.
Through this transition, I hope to become a better writer and, of course, improve Fashion Aficionada.

Without a doubt, I know that a career in fashion is for me. Coming up with ideas for posts, researching the latest trends, and viewing runway shows are all things that I continue to enjoy. I opened this post with a quote from the renowned Coco Chanel because it is exactly how I feel about fashion. Fashion is what inspires me and it is what I am most passionate about.

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